Monday, November 30, 2009

Dalyn the little slugger

Dalyn played t-ball as a part of the Mud Cats. I think the way he helped the team the most was by talking to the players on the other team in the field and distracting them from what was going on in the game so they would miss the ball or forget to run to the next base. He did have some great hits off the T.

Dalyn's first lost tooth

Dalyn lost his first tooth the summer after kindergarten. He had watched many of his friends and cousins lose teeth before him so this was a much anticipated day. He wrote the tooth fairy a letter asking her if she used the teeth to help build her castle. She wrote back informing him that he was correct!

Amberlee's 9th Birthday Party

Amberlee had some of her friends from dance over to celebrate her 9th birthday. We went on a bike ride on the trail, played games and watched dance movies. It was a great time.

Dalyn and his Winnie the Poohs

Since Dalyn was less than a year old, he has loved Winnie the Pooh. He has enjoyed collecting them over the years. He has slept with a Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal since he was a baby. I hope he never outgrows it.

Dalyn's kindergarten graduation

Dalyn holding up his diploma. When we got back his diploma picture we noticed the funniest thing. At recess Dalyn had taken a dandelion and rubbed it on his upper lip. In his picture he has a nice yellow mustache. It is so funny.
Dalyn with his teacher Mrs. Price. His kindergarten graduation was really cute. The funniest part was the Fly Little Eagle song they played literally ten times during the slide show. All of the parents had it memorized by the end of the program.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Amberlee's 2008 singing recital

Amberlee's class did a tribute to Disney. They loved performing Fabulous from High School Musical.
Amberlee's solo was So this is Love from Cinderella.

Handsome man Dalyn 2007

Amberlee's girl's night

Amberlee had a late night with her two good friends McKinley Mullins and Sarah Fitzgerald. Little brother got to have fun too.

McKinley Mullins lives down the street from us. She is in Amberlee's primary class. They both love fairies.

Sarah was in our ward in Elk Ridge. They have been in the same dance class at the studio. She is a great friend.


Dalyn the baker

It is always fun to make a mess.
Naughty! Feeding the dog.

Dalyn often uses these as weapons instead of kitchen untensils.

Mix it up!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas 2007

Amberlee enjoys our traditional cracker tray snack on Christmas day.
The magic of Christmas morning. These Webkins were in their stockings.

Amberlee is a Christmas Angel.

Amberlee and Dalyn in their new PJs from mom and dad and their PJs for their friends from each other.

Thanks for the great present brother and sister!

Amberlee is opening pajamas for her American Girl doll Felicity from Dalyn.

Ta Da! Christmas PJs for his favorite stuffed animal. This was a gift from Amberlee.

Here's Dalyn opening his PJs for Winnie the Pooh. Dalyn is the fastest present opener you have ever seen.

Dan, Helen, and Hannahli Brandt joined us for Christmas Eve. Here is Hannahli opening her present from Amberlee and Dalyn.

Oma got all of the grandkids these cute puppies for our Dutch family Christmas.

Bubble gum fun

Tyler, Dalyn and Amberlee had fun stuffing as many pieces of bubble gum in their mouth as possible.

Dalyn's kindergarten Thanksgiving

Dalyn had fun dressing as an Indian for his Thanksgiving day feast in Mrs. Price's kindergarten class.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Halloween 2007

This was our first Halloween in our new house. Amberlee was an orphan/servant girl and Dalyn was a dragon. We loved trick or treating in our new neighborhood. We were told to buy enough candy for 300 kids. We only had five. We loved making a Halloween dinner with pigs in a blanket, witches brew and mud pie. The kids enjoyed their costume parade at Riverview Elementary.